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"When I brought my husband to IQM Wellness Center, he was suffering with acute symptoms of Parkinson’s. He had tremors, difficulty walking, extreme high & low episodes of blood pressure, & more. He was using both a wheelchair & a walker, depending on his state. After 3 sessions in the EE System, he started improving. Nighttime urination dropped from 6-8 times a night to only twice a night. Eventually, we put his wheelchair & walker in storage & he used a cane. Then this year, he began sessions with Tesla Biohealing. He had incredible improvement. His blood pressure, albeit remained low, stopped having high episodes. His tremors ceased, & he put away his cane after no longer having difficulty walking. After sleeping overnight with Tesla Biohealing, he had a magnificent emotional release, tears flowing all night, waking up to complete & total gratitude."   

— A.R.

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"I was diagnosed with severe lead poisoning and Parkinson's when I came to IQM Wellness. After one overnight EE System session followed by one HOCATT session, something miraculous happened on the following morning! My uncontrollable body movements stopped. Several days later, I was stopped in security at the airport. A ‘groin anomaly’ was detected during the security screening. When I saw the image on the screen, my groin area was a solid color. I was horrified while they patted me down. My husband realized that it must be the lead, and my body was eliminating it. Because the lead was exiting my body through urine, it showed up as a large dark spot in my groin during the screening. THE DETOX WAS WORKING!!”

— Anonymous

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"I had an open wound on my foot for 30 years that never healed. It was always infected and painful. After a few Cellsonic treatments, it is now closed and 100% healed."

— Anonymous

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"I've had about 16 HOCATT treatments over the past eighteen months, and recently my skin broke out in a rash on my lower back. It does itch, but when I rubbed my hand lightly over my skin it felt like needles, not scabs. Some I scratched off and it felt better. These two pieces of what looks and feels like metal were under my fingernail when I picked them out of my skin! Whatever this is, the HOCATT treatments brought it to the surface! I will definitely continue going!"

— Susan

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"I started receiving regular HOCATT treatments after being diagnosed with breast cancer. It has been incredibly beneficial in detoxing the lymph system as well as reducing inflammation throughout my body. And as a bonus, this has relieved my arthritic hands! My energy level improved almost immediately. The ozone and infrared help with a plethora of things including inhibiting tumor growth and ridding parasites. I recommend trying it for chronic health issues or simply as a great stress reliever & immunity builder."

— Carolyn B.

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"My experience with Tatyana and the HOCATT was great. I sought her out with concern over a missing period for over 1.5 years, having experienced secondary amenorrhea after going off birth control. I bought a 10-package series for HOCATT and went once a week for my sessions. I also got body scans and had healing treatments over the course of my weekly visits. I got my period back about a month after the conclusion of my treatments.

I definitely credit my time there - the combination of HOCATT and healing with Tatyana for helping me get my period back and restore my fertility. The HOCATT sauna made me feel relaxed and extremely detoxified, and the effects lasted long past my sessions. I felt as if I was getting rid of things in my body that had been stuck there for years. The healing sessions made shifts in my mental state that I truly don’t believe even western therapy could have accomplished. Tatyana’s energy is incredibly motherly, safe and nurturing, which created the perfect space for my personal healing to take place. I continue to refer Tatyana’s healing and the HOCATT to anyone with health issues - as I believe it’s as close to a one-size-fits-all healing resource."

— Jacqueline G.

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"My dog, Mei, spent one EE System session & tumors that had been on her tail for 2 years were gone. Only one was left but was a lot smaller."

— A.W.

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"My first injury happened when I was 15 years old. I jarred my back at dance class after landing from a jump. This injury lasted my whole life. Ten years later, I had back surgery and had pain and nerve damage; over the last two years I was limping as I walk. I have gone through many different modalities - yoga, swimming, acupuncture, chiropractic, and physical therapy. Tanya has released my ailments in 7 visits - more than a whole lifetime of the other treatments. I have not been able to tolerate standing, sitting, or walking until I was introduced to Tanya. She has shifted and aligned me toward having more energy and less pain, and my condition is improving every day. God bless you." 

— Darcy G.

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"Tanya is a powerful and passionate healer. I saw her for upper back pain due to scoliosis over a year ago and the pain did not return. I used to go to a chiropractor several times a year for adjustments. She has also helped me to release and heal past emotional pain. Her energy soothes and relaxes the body, mind and spirit. Tanya is a great asset to the healing community."

— Kathy G., Reiki Master

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"On 12/8/22, I went to my doctor and she did an ultrasound and found my uterus had an 11cm fibroid. I went back on 12/20/22 to do a biopsy and found it had shrunk to 6 cm. On 6/19/23, I went for an MRI to look into my uterus and they showed no fibroids! I have been going to the EE System at least once a month. By that time, I had completed twenty-four 2-hour sessions."

— Anonymous

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"I wanted to share this good news after completing the protocol with EE System, HOCATT, Beam Ray, and supplements. I had a blood test done last week and since coming to you my thyroid has improved significantly. No Hashimoto's present! See the message from my doctor. Thank you for caring for me."

— M.S.

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"I am a very grateful client. After eight very slow months with my real estate business, I had a single session with Tanya. I felt l an enormous difference, and the new $5.8 million escrow within one week was not a coincidence. Next week, we sold another house for $3.1 million. With deep appreciation…"

— Robert R., Owner of a Prominent Real Estate Company


HOCATT & Trinity Aid in COVID Recovery


HOCATT Heavy Metals Elimination -

Remove harmful contaminants from your blood stream.

Dr. Wogahn, DC

Lifestream Generator -

Improve circulation & oxygenation.